jeudi 7 novembre 2013

Tricep Workout To Build Bigger Arms

Here are some great tricep exercises that you can do which will add mass and help you to build bigger arms. These exercises have been created and perfected over the years by top bodybuilders, and will thicken up your entire tricep area.
Exercises which develop the triceps and promote larger muscles work by pushing something heavy away from your body. To work out the triceps, you can choose between weight machines or free weights, or both. The amount of repetitions to do is going to depend on your goals for your muscular development.
If you want to get the most out of your tricep exercises, you will want to select a weight that will allow you to follow through with the correct amount of repetitions. For tricep bulk, you will want to work three sets with four to six reps each. If, instead of bulk, you would rather have definition, then you would want to work three sets with ten to twelve reps per set.
1. Seated Dumbbell Triceps Press 
Find a dumbbell for this exercise and get seated on a bench. While resting the bottom of the dumbbell upon the right thigh, hold the weight with the right hand. Get a good grip with the left hand on the right and lift the weight above your head. Next, open up both hands and let the dumbbell rest on your palms. Now, to start, bend both of your elbows and bring the weight behind your head and stop when you feel your forearms are close to your biceps. Try not to move the upper arms during this. Then, bring the dumbbell back to the initial position, repeating this until you have completed the appropriate number of reps.
2. Single-arm Triceps Extension
Add a triangle handle to a weight machine's attachment. Put the pin where you would like to use at the machine's weight stack. First, standing at the front, lift the lower part of your right arm to the handle. Using an overhand grip, grab the it with the right hand. Keep your upper right arm close to your body. Now, to start use your right hand to push downwards straightening your arm out. Then, allow the cable slowly bring your right, lower arm to the start to finish off your rep. Continue with this action and then when you are finished with your right arm, switch to your left to finish the set off.
3. Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks
With the right hand, grab a dumbbell and position your arm next to your right leg. Make sure your fingers are facing inward. Stand over a bench, and leaning over, put the left hand at the top. Now position the left knee at the lower part on the bench. Make sure that the upper right portion of your arm is even with the ground while allowing the lower arm to hang downward. To begin this exercise, angle the right arm from the elbow while lifting the weight in the air behind you while straightening your arm. Keeping the upper arm in place, bring the weight back to the starting point to end the rep. Continue to do this until you have achieved the right amount of reps. When you have finished that, change positions so you can work the left arm to end the set.
Addisson Patrick is a writer for, where readers can find the best information on health, fitness and many things in between. He is an expert with years of experience in health and fitness.

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3 Simple Steps to Help Maintain Muscular Strength for Healthy Aging

For healthy aging, we are told we need take steps to maintain our muscles strength. I don't know about you, my muscles can use a lot of help but the thought of an exercise regime is out of the question.
Number one, I seriously do not have time to go to a gym or even plop in a video for thirty minutes of uninterrupted exercise.
Secondly, I am tired. I wake up in the morning and jump right into the day's work schedule. By nightfall, I am ready to hit the bed; exercise is the farthest thing from my mind.
Can you relate? Whether living by yourself, caring for family, or a caregiver with full-time responsibilities, you know how important it is to keep your arms and legs strong so you can remain independent as much as possible.
The following three simple steps have helped me improve mobility and gain muscle strength. A personal heads up here: you will most likely scan through this article and decide there is no way those little tips are going to make a significant difference in your health and well-being. I will tell you emphatically, "you will see a change and you will feel it."
Step #1 Seize the moments available to you now.
When you are warming something in the microwave, for instance, are you leaning against the cabinet or slipping into a nearby chair while waiting? Consider using that time for a few stretches or arm lifts. Keep weights or a couple of cans of food handy so you can grab them and do a one or two minute workout. At the very least, do a few squats and bends.
I have personally been amazed at the flexibility I have gained without adding a long exercise routine to my day.
Step #2 Develop an awareness of your body.
Have you formed a habit of slumping when you sit? Do you waddle from side to side when you walk, again from habit? Are you continually stepping over items that need picked up because you can't or won't stoop over to get them?
Take time to stop and think about your daily habits. Stand tall when you walk, you will actually feel more rested as your posture improves. Make it a habit to bend as much as you can to pick up items. Sit straight in a chair and breathe deeply. Even if this lasts only a few minutes, you will begin to build strength.
Step #3 Do not always take the easy, shorter way.
At the local store, I used to search out a parking place as close to the door as possible. Of course, I rationalized that I needed to park close to save time. Let's be honest, how much time does it take to walk a few extra parking spaces, or even half the parking lot? When I began this way of thinking, I could not walk the entire lot, or even half of it. I did know I could walk one or two more spaces, and that is where I began. Now I can go farther than I ever dreamed; just by adding a few steps at a time.
The truth of the matter is: that the more time "saved" by denying a little extra walk, the more time needed to rest. Just park a few spaces away at first.
What small changes can you make in your life today that will affect your future health and well-being? Of these three simple steps, I challenge you to choose one, just one, and focus on that for a week. As that change becomes routine, add another. Soon you'll be moving mountains!
Visit for more helpful articles. She is offering a free gift: 8 Basic Tips for Caregivers. Susie's book, MY MOTHER MY CHILD, shares her passion to help those who care for others.

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How Well Do You Know Your Abs?

How well do you know you know your abdominal muscles? Let's get to know them. These are very important to your flexibility and stability because they are involved in virtually every movement of your body. The stronger these core abdominal muscles are the better posture you will have, the longer and harder you will be able to engage in physical activity. Here is a quick overview of the anatomy of your four ab muscles.
The rectus abdominus is the six-pack muscle that gives you good posture. The rectus abdominis connects vertically from the pubic bone up to the rib cage and breast bone. This muscle can be exercised and strengthened using the crunch exercise. Lie on you back with knees bent, then crunch slowly by contracting your rectus abdominis to lift both shoulders off the floor.
The external oblique is a flat muscle that runs diagonally from the 5th to the 12th pair of ribs to the front of the hip bone. There is a pair of external oblique muscles, one on each side of the rectus abdominis. These muscles are used when twisting your torso or bending to the side. The external oblique muscles are exercised using the twisting crunch. Lie on you back with knees bent, then crunch, lifting one shoulder only for 20 reps, then repeat with the other shoulder.
The internal oblique runs diagonally at right angles to the external oblique from the front of the hip bone to ribs five through twelve and the linea alba. The linea alba is connective tissue down the front of the abdomen that separates the left and right rectus abdominis muscles and is seen as the depression between the left and right halves of a six-pack. There are two internal oblique muscles, one on each side of the body. These muscles are also used when twisting your torso or bending to the side. The internal oblique muscles are also exercised using the twisting crunch.
The travsversus abdominis (or TVA) is the deepest muscle of the abdominal muscles as a layer below the internal oblique muscles. It runs horizontally from ribs 7 through 12, the lumbar vertebrae and top of the hip bone to the linea alba and the pubic bone. This muscle provides support to the spine and trunk. The transversus abdominis can be trained using the vacuum exercise. Lie on your back and draw your navel in twards your spine. Hold this for serveral seconds then relax. Repeat this 10 times.
Another good abdominal exercise is the plank or hover exercise. The plank position is with your toes and forearms on the floor. Your torso is raised off the floor, and is straight and rigid from your shoulders to your heels with no sagging. Keep your head relaxed and look at the floor. Hold this position for 20 seconds initially. Increase this to 60 seconds over a series of workouts.
Check out Dynamic Wellness for more tips and information on strength training and body building.

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How To Get A Six Pack - Tips To Build A Ripped Torso

You might not realise it, but if you spend hour after hour sitting down while working, at home or when socialising, it could be doing lasting damage to your stomach muscles. The weaker your abs are, it's likely that even daily activities like doing the washing up could become more difficult, while the possibility of experiencing back pain cannot be ruled out.
This makes working on your abs a must if you want to stay healthy and look good, but if you've never paid enough attention to them, how can you get the six-pack that men the world over dream of having? In most cases, an intense daily workout can do wonders over several months. It needn't take a long time either; a decent workout can be completed in 30 minutes.
Five steps to a fine six-pack
  1. The 'Spiderman plank crunch' involves you being in an ordinary plank position - lying down on your front with your toes touching the mat and your arms pressed flat underneath your torso, raising one knee towards your elbow and moving it back and forth for several reps.
  2. Cable rotation moves your arms and abs around. Do this 10 times on one side and 10 on the other during each daily workout.
  3. The bicycle crunch - lying on your back with your arms behind your head, your legs should be facing upwards at a 90 degree angle. Bring each knee down slowly towards the elbow on each side one at a time, moving as if you're riding a bike.
  4. Next, the cross crunch will do more or less the same thing for your abs and the rest of your body. Keeping all four limbs pointing diagonally so your body resembles a cross, move the left arm and the right leg close together, then do the opposite. Do 10 reps.
  5. Finally, use an aerobic ball. Kneel on your aerobic mat with your hands on the ball, with your back straight and abs ready to be worked out one more time. Roll the ball as far away as possible without letting go then bring it back. Do two sets of 10 reps.
These exercises will help you build your abdominal muscles, but in order for them to be well defined, you are going to want to reduce your core fat, there are quite a few ways to do this in conjunction with exercise.
  1. Studies have shown that eating carbohydrates at night allow better fat burning and as a result reduce the circumference of your core.
  2. You can get topical fat incinerating creams that contain a mitochondrial Thermo blend, for optimum fat cell reduction.
  3. As far as nutrition is concerned, you are going to want to make sure that you are eating a balanced diet and as always, if you are trying to lose weight, you are going to want to burn more calories that you are intaking.
Addisson Patrick is a writer for, where readers can find the best information on health, fitness and many things in between. He is an expert with years of experience in health and fitness.

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Maximise Your Abs - Take Your Ab Workouts To The Next Level

Ab Workouts with just one movement or forgetting to add weight to ab exercises can be some of the worst mistakes made if you are aiming for a good six-pack. The ab exercises test your torso but they must be carried out versus resistance in order to stimulate the muscle fiber. There are three different ways of training abs and the plan below details these. These exercises for abdominals may be much harder than your current exercise plan.
Directions for the Workout
Choose one of these exercises and perform it after your regular workout. Do these three times a week. They can be done in 30 minutes, which is the minimum length of time suggested.
If you are doing the decline sit-up or the weighted decline Russian twist start off with twenty reps. If needs be complete them in sets. Take twenty seconds rest in between each set. Add another five reps every time you complete the workout. Carry on and work upwards until you are completing fifty reps. Hold the plank for sixty seconds and keep working until you reach two hundred and fifty seconds.
The Reason Why it Works
A lot of men use crunches (flexion) as ab exercises. This type of workout aims to rotate and stabilize the torso but it also a great way of training the abs. If you want to make your abs stand out then add weight to build your muscles.
The Weighted Decline Russian Twist
Secure your feet to a bench that is set at a thirty degree decline. Hold a medicine ball or a weight plate and stretch your arm out fully. Support your core and twist your body to the left side so that your shoulders turn ninety degrees. Now reverse the twist and that counts as one rep.
The Decline Sit Up
The bench needs to be set up in exactly the same way as you set it up in order to do a weighted decline Russian twist. Lay back and hold a weight to the back of your head. Bring your chin upwards towards the chest and then sit up. When you are sitting up you will feel those abs contracting.
The Plank with your Feet Elevated
When you are in the push up position let your fore arms rest on the floor. Lift your feet and place them onto a bench that is behind you. Your body will shape itself into a decline. Brace your core and keep your body straight. Maintain this position for a while because these are good exercise for abdominals.
Addisson Patrick is a writer for, where readers can find the best information on health, fitness and many things in between. He is an expert with years of experience in health and fitness.

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Five Great Core Exercises

Exercising your core muscles is the basis for overall body health and fitness.Your core muscle groups are the rectus abdominis, the internal/external obliques and the transversus abdominis.
The abdominal crunch is a well known exercise for core strength. Lie on your back with your knees bent, then contract your abdominal muscles to raise your shoulders off the ground towards your knees. Hold for two seconds then slowly lower your shoulders back to the start position. Repeat for at least 20 times.
The bridge is another great exercise to work your abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your knees bent, then raise you hips off the floor until your hips are in a line with your knees and shoulders. Hold this position for three seconds, then lower your hips back to the start position. Repeat this ten times.
Torso rotation is another way to improve core strength. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your hands outstretched resting on the floor. With your shoulders on the floor, rotate your knees slowly to the left as far as they will go comfortably. You should feel the stretch of your muscles, but no pain. Hold this for three seconds and then return your knees to the upright position. Repeat this to the right side, then repeat the cycle of left and right rotations ten times.
Alternate arm/leg raises are a great exercise for the back. Lie on your front with your arms extended in front of you. Lift your left arm from the shoulder, and your right leg from the hip as far as they can go. Hold them in this position for 5 seconds and then lower them to the start position. Repeat this with right arm and left leg. Do this again ten times. An easier way to do this is to just lift your left arm for 5 seconds, then lower it, then move on the right arm, left leg and right leg.
The plank is great for working the transversus abdominis, a muscle that has been much neglected in terms of exercise. Lie on your front and put your elbows on the floor underneath your shoulders. Put your toes on the floor with legs hip width apart and with back straight, lift your body off the floor and pull in your belly upwards towards your spine. Hold this plank position for a count of 30 to 60 seconds.
Relax and put your body back on the floor. This can be repeated 4 or 5 times.
These five exercises will definitely get your core into good shape.
For more tips on building muscle check out Dynamic Wellness.

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Consider This Before Your Next Workout

What exercises should I do today?
How much weight should I use?
Should I do bodyweight exercises or weight training exercises?
Should I do cardio before I workout?
Should I do cardio after I workout?
There is a good chance that you have asked yourself some of these questions at some point or another before heading to the gym. They are all viable questions to be asking, but even after you answer those questions there is still one major factor that you need to consider before you can even think to begin your workout.
Is your head on board with what you are doing or what you are about to do?
If the answer to that question is not a big fat 'yes' then there is a good chance that your workout is going to come up short of its goal.
In recent weeks some of the 'meatheads' (guys that look like they have been lifting their entire lives) have been running into some plateaus on their workout programs preventing them from moving any closer to their goals.
On the other hand, there are a few guys in the gym that seem to defy the laws of physics when it comes to their workouts.
An individual just two weeks ago attempted to do three repetitions of power cleans at a weight of 225-pounds.
The individual was able to do all three repetitions so he moved on to his next set at 235-pounds.
He got all three repetitions at 235-pounds, so he moved up to 245-pounds at which point he only achieved on rep due in part to his hands were having a hard time hanging onto the bar.
Now, that was not the incredible feat that this article is depicting. The incredible feat is that this article is eluding to is that same individual was able to do 25-power cleans at 225-pounds in a row just two weeks after doing that weight for the first time.
How did he do it?
After interviewing him he said that he 'told himself that he could and was going to do it.'
You read that correctly, he simply told himself that he could do it and he went and did it.
If you think about it that is the only explanation as to why we can or cannot accomplish our weight-lifting goals in the gym. So many of us cannot jump over that mental hurdle keeping us from reaching farther than we ever have before.
The fact of the matter is that the guy at the gym was always able to do 25-power cleans at 225-pounds all along his brain just did not know it.
The next time you find yourself at the gym asking yourself those questions at the beginning of this article do not forget to ask yourself if your head is on board.
The mind is the most powerful tool in the body and the only way that you will be able to reach your goals is if it is fully aware of what that goal is and what it takes to get there.
If you found this article to be helpful then check out Eating To Lose for more free information on dieting, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle as it relates to your physical goals. There is even a free plan there to help you get started.

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Quick Muscle Gain, Simple Steps to Top Bodybuilding Supplements Gaining Muscle Fast

No matter what age, weight, height or metabolism a person is; the key to gaining muscle fast comes down to a few very basic but very important facts:
1. Weight training: types and techniques
2. Rest: Between exercise and sleep
3. Food; The most important thing when it comes to quick muscle gain. Calories and nutrients.
Weight training;
Quick muscle gain is achieved through exercising 3- 4 times a week, and this takes dedication and commitment. It is important to continue your exercise routine week by week to achieve your goal of gaining muscle fast. The 2 types of weight lifting are;
1. Isolation exercise
Isolation exercise is when you use only one joint in motion at a time. This includes such exercises as bicep curls, leg extensions and hammers. Isolation exercise is good for maintaining the muscle that is already built.
2. Compound exercise
Compound exercise is by far the ultimate way to gaining muscle fast. This includes bench press, squats, and dead lifts. Exercise like squats will work a whole range of muscles and joints at once like your back, ankles, hamstrings, knees, quads and hips. It also improves core strength! The true way to quick muscle gain is compound exercises.
Technique during your exercise is vitally important. This will greatly reduce injury but also increase the rate of gaining muscle fast. There are many programs outlining the correct techniques for types of weightlifting.
1. Quick muscle gain will only work when you actually give your muscles a chance to rest! Every time we work out we are actually ripping our muscles and they will only recover to build in between workout. To do this try focusing on particular types of muscle groups during weight training like back legs and abs, and then alternate to another particular group the following day. Like chest biceps and shoulders. By doing this the first group have been given a chance to recover and are definitely gaining muscle fast!
2. Resting also involves sleep! Sleeping from 6 to 8 hours a night is important when weight training. This gives those tired muscles a chance to recover and build even faster, also improving cognitive function and overall energy level s. So make sure you find the time to get sleep in your busy regime your body will thank you! Plenty of rest and exercising properly will top bodybuilding supplements anywhere providing you with the quick muscle gain you desire.
What we consume and how much we consume is by far the most critical piece of information we must know when it comes to gaining muscle fast. Understanding your daily caloric intake and what the right nutrients are to eat is the key to a ripped physique.
Calorie intake is important and can be calculated through age, weight, gender, height and overall metabolism of an individual. There are many programs out there to help us with our own calorie intake.
Nutrition involves protein, carbohydrates and fats these are the vital ingredients that will top bodybuilding supplements anywhere producing quick muscle gain and are simply found in all the foods we eat! The key is choosing the correct sorts of food
- Protein such as eggs, lean meat, poultry, fish, nuts, beans and lentils are great for building muscle and is not stored in the body either, so whatever we don't use will simply remove as waste. Protein is known as a macronutrient which is good energy for our bodies.
- Carbohydrates are extremely important when it comes to putting on the weight needed for quick muscle gain. Although there is a lot of confusion when it comes to this subject, complex carbs such as vegetables, sweet potatoes only, whole grain rice and breads, oatmeal, beans are perfect sources of this helping the skinny guy get those results!
Are you serious about quick muscle gain? Below is some excellent information I have found regarding nutrition rest and weight training. It will top bodybuilding supplements anywhere providing you with all the information and programs needed for gaining muscle fast.

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How to Tighten and Tone the Buttocks

The best floor exercises I have tried in my whole adult life is those I have seen from trainer Tracy Anderson for By far these are the best. I have been doing a few of the workouts I watched from some of her YouTube clips posted by other subscribers and I can swear by them. The one I love the most is the one where you get down on the floor and place both hands in front of you and knees directly under your hips. You raise one leg up and then back down under your chest. You do twenty reps on each side. The next one is where you lift your leg and as you lift you bring it sideways behind you.
This works your inner and outer thighs. I can I see the difference when I put on my jeans, my hip area looks smaller and my behind looks smaller and lifted. I do this in conjunction with using my Fatgirlslim cellulite cream. I feel that doing floor workouts is more beneficial and you will see results because you are using your own body weight. Another one that I love is to do leg lifts with a weighted dumbbell snuggled on the back of your knee. This is a great one you get extra weight and you will most surely see a difference in two weeks. You must do these workouts at least three times a week, always include cardio if you want to drop weight. There are so many ways to get your lower body ready for summer and look great in a bikini. The buttocks is the fastest and easiest muscle to tone in as little as a few weeks, you just have to get in the right mind set and set your goals to make this a priority. As a mom and thirty something year old woman I know the benefits of strength training and gaining muscle, I know that the older I get I will lose muscle mass if I don't get a move on it now.
That is why I love to try new things and research health and fitness, what's good to try now and do things that will last, things you won't get bored of. There are many, many other techniques you can find. I suggest you try the method workout DVDs by Tracy Anderson, she focuses on getting a woman's body in sleek and sexy shape with just using just a few pounds of weighted dumbbells, sheer genius. She works the bodies of Gwyneth Paltrow, Shakira, and many other celebrity woman.
Check out my website for more information on my favorite things.
If you want more information on how to diminish the appearance of cellulite and for other great tips on what to try in health and fitness, visit my blog website.

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Five Key Tests to Assess Your Fitness

If you are about to start a fitness program, or even if you have already started a program you need to be able to assess your level of fitness. This is important as it will help you understand where you are right now and to set some goals for the fitness level you want to achieve. A good way to start this assessment is to get a checkup with your doctor, particularly if you are over 40. Here are the primary numbers you need to know.
Your resting heart rate, or pulse rate, is simply the number of heart beats per minute before you have started any exercise. You can measure this yourself by placing your forefinger on your wrist pulse and counting the beats for 15 seconds and multiplying by four. Measure this periodically and keep a note of it in your exercise log. Over time as you do regular exercise the number should decrease.
The next number is your activity heart rate, measured after about 15 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise on a treadmill, stationary bike, or rowing machine. This will be higher than your resting heart rate, and it also should decrease as you progress through your exercise program.
Optimal blood pressure is vital to your health. This is measured as two values: the systolic number over the diastolic number. Systolic pressure is the pressure when the heart contracts and diastolic pressure is the pressure when the heart relaxes. The optimal values are 120 over 80, with 140 over 90 being borderline high blood pressure. If you have higher BP numbers you definitely need to consult your doctor who will recommend changes to your diet, especially the reduction of salt intake. You can measure your own blood pressure with one of the many BP monitors available today.
Your Body Mass Index is a measure of how much fat you have in your body relative to your weight. This can easily be computed by many online BMI calculators using your height and weight. The normal BMI is in the range 18.5 through 24.9, whereas an overweight BMI is 25 through 29.9. Once you know your BMI you can set a goal of getting into the normal BMI range. These calculators do not take account of body fat versus muscle, so you may get a higher value if you are more heavily muscled.
Muscular strength and endurance can be tested with a push-up test. The number of push-ups that you can do in one minute is a good assessment of your upper body strength, but this also shows your overall fitness. Over 40 push-ups in one minute indicates excellent fitness for a 30 year old male.
Make these measurements every month through your fitness program to get feedback on how you are doing and to keep you motivated.
To learn more about fitness check out the Dynamic Wellness program for great tips on building great muscles.

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Effects of Deer Antler Velvet on IGF-1 Receptors

Deer Antler Velvet has received significant news coverage in recent months due to high-profile athletes admitting use in their training and recovery regimens. Customarily, this antler velvet has been prized as one of the oldest health supplements used in Chinese medicine. The extract from antler velvet, which is the external covering of the epidermis that coats the internal structure of the developing cartilage and bone, has been well-documented in eastern medication and is considered a complete super food due to its nutritional density. The best deer antler velvet extract, which is used as a supplement, is collected from the surface of the new antlers growth in male New Zealand Red Deer. This permits the self-regenerating deer antlers to keep growing each new season without harm to the deer.
What is the IGF-1 Receptor?
IGF-1 receptor is a transmembrane receptor found on the surface of human cells. The IGF-1 receptor is stimulated by IGF-1 as well as by related hormones known as IGF-2. When either form of IGF binds with these receptor sites, the cells display improved anti-aging and anabolic effects. Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 or IGF-1 is the regulating sign to Human Growth Hormone or HGH and is the main component found in deer antler velvet extract. When released into the bloodstream, it stimulates the body to secrete its own growth hormone.
Functions of IGF-1 Receptor
IGF-1 receptor signals the upturn or reduction of body functions such as the human body's metabolism. Medical study has revealed that an increased IGF-1 receptor signals can have affirmative age defying effects. The IGF-1 receptor facilitates the effects of IGF-1, which plays a significant role in its development and persists to deliver anabolic effects in adults. This means that IGF-1 receptor can prompt hypertrophy of muscle and other tissues.
Benefits of Deer Antler Velvet
Deer Antler Velvet is almost 50% amino acids by mass and encompasses a variety of added nutrient-rich mineral elements such as magnesium, zinc, vitamin A, and calcium. Deer antler extract is also considered as a provider or a natural source of collagen, glucosamine, and chondroitin, which are identified to upkeep joint mobilization, healthy bones, connective tissue repair, and overall body wellness.
Antler velvet extracts are known to advance cell development due to the nutrient-rich and speedy growing cartilage. After initial studies were done, velvet extracts were revealed not only to enhance cell development, but also proven to have anti-viral and anti-tumor components. Scientists have currently discovered that antler cells have the ability to produce IGF themselves. Growth hormone levels decline as people grow old along with the production of the IGF-1, resulting in steady muscle weakening. As an outcome, the use of antler velvet extract, with its status as a high-quality source of natural IGF-1, can help maintain and promote muscle tone.
Deer antler velvet products have been shown in studies to increase power and strength, accelerate the fat burning process, intensify lean muscle tissue, and offer quicker recovery after sports trainings. This makes it popular among competitive athletes. It is an accepted substitute for steroids and some other performance enhancing medicines for athletes. World record rowers, a champion tri-athlete, top golfers, and other superior athletes attribute part of their results to deer velvet antler extract.
Products with velvet antler extract are also said to improve the production of HGH. This hormone is significant for cell regeneration. It's also thought to play a significant role in the prevention of several age related diseases. Moreover, the said extract also helps reduce arterial blood pressure and raises the development of red blood cells. Other testing has confirmed that deer antler IGF-1 products can enhance memory and promote mental alertness, help balance iron levels, and improve the immune system.
John MacNamara is a researcher and user of AntlerX, one of the most potent deer antler sprays, and is currently a consultant to the nutritional supplement industry. In his spare time, Jon enjoys powerlifting and competing in triathlons.

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Quickest Way to Build Chest Muscle

Building a bigger chest muscle can be easier than you think, as long as you have the right exercise program. You must set a goal and maintain that enthusiasm until that goal is achieved. Everybody wants to have that beach body that women love and men envy, A few simple exercises and you will be on your way.
In order to build a well rounded chest you must work all the muscles that make up the chest or the pectoral muscles. The pectoral muscles or (pecs) are made up of two major muscles, the pectoralis major (upper) and the pectoralis minor (lower). If you want to maximize results you must work each one out separately.
Here are a few workouts that will help you build a massive chest very quickly.
Push ups-
Push ups are a commonly overlooked chest building exercise. The more muscle weight you build the more weight you are pushing up. This is why push ups are a great chest building exercise, not to mention they are a great workout for the shoulders and triceps. Push ups should be done to complete failure, by this I mean do them until you cannot do even one more. And do at least three sets, this is critical for muscle building. In a way you're tricking your body into sending more nutrients to your body to handle this extra workload, which makes you bigger and stronger.
Bench press-
There are three main types of bench press, the incline, the decline and the flat bench.
The flat bench or regular works a little bit of everything, triceps, shoulders and both pectoral groups. You should start out with enough weight to do 5-10 reps, if you can do more than you need to increase your weight. Form is crucial; you can seriously injure your self by not doing these correctly. It is also important to have a spotter present when doing any type of bench press.
The incline and decline bench are similar to the regular bench but they target specific muscles. The incline is mainly working the upper chest and the decline targets the lower chest.
You can use a flat bar to do these but I suggest using dumbbells. Dumbbells work what I call" stabilizer muscles", by this I mean separate muscles that are used to keep proper form. You will know what I mean when you try to do a dumbbell fly with too much weight, your arms will be all over the place and you won't be able to keep a fluid motion.
Cable crossovers-
Cable crossovers are done by standing between two pulleys and pushing your fists forward and below the chest. This is a very good chest building workout as well as adding much desired back muscles. It is important to try and maintain a well balanced and proportionate upper body.
Chest dips-
Chest dips are another great workout for the chest, just be sure you are using your chest to push your self up and not just your arms. Place hands on dip bars and slowly lower yourself down; concentrating on the negatives on your way down and using your chest to push yourself back up. These are a great way to burn out the muscle group.
As I said before you must work your muscles out to complete failure in order to build the mass you're looking for. Only work out a specific muscle no more than twice a week, your muscles need time to heal. Muscles get bigger by tearing and then healing. In the meantime continue to workout other parts of your body to get that all around physique.
It is important to make sure your diet is able to support a strong muscle building workout. You must be consuming lots of protein, which is essential for building muscle. By changing your diet to lean high protein meats and green leafy vegetables your body will get the nutrients and vitamins it needs to sustain the workload you are putting it through.
Are you looking to get a stronger,more muscular and well defined physique? I have achieved amazing results from just these simple exercises. For those of you that are looking to obtain a wealth of knowledge from the top muscle building experts visit the link

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How to Grow a Bigger Butt If You're Flat

If you're trying to achieve a curvy figure or a bigger butt, it is likely that you are an ectomorph. Of the three body types, ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph, the ectomorph is the leanest. "Low fat genetics" or "low muscle genetics" are usually associated with this body type.
Muscle genetics
If you have low muscle genetics, it is very easy to overtain your muscles. If you overtrain your muscles, or if you pay no attention to nutrition whatsoever, you might be causing your muscles, and therefore you bum, to get even smaller. This is known as the catabolic state. It's a state that your body enters during or right after exercise. If your workout takes long enough for your body to run out of energy, you'll enter the catabolic state and your body will begin to break down muscle tissue in order to make up for this lack of energy. If you're trying to lose weight, this wouldn't be much a problem, since you'll burn a lot of fat in this state as well. However, if your goal is to gain a bigger bum, you wouldn't want this. After all, we want our bodies to gain weight.
Now, ectomorphs who have trouble gaining weight or trying to achieve a curvy figure don't necessarily have "actual" low muscle genetics. It's genetics for a high metabolism, that results in difficultly gaining mass. When you have a high metabolism and you do not eat enough fats (healthy ones), you're much more likely to constantly be living in a catabolic state where you're always burning fat and muscle and never achieving any curvy figure. So, we get to the rules.
1. Do NOT work out for longer than 45 minutes.
If you're only concerned with the bum area, even 25 minutes is plenty.
The reason why you should not do this, is to avoid entering the catabolic state, and to avoid damaging the muscles beyond the point where it can effectively recover within 48 hours (the next workout). Your exercise needs to be short, but heavy. And don't worry, "heavy" sounds scary, but it's not nearly as troublesome as it sounds. Just a few intensive sets before you move on with your day.
2. Don't do exhausting cardio.
Stick to strength training. For the same reason as the above: avoid entering a catabolic state. Running, cycling, all those activities will have you lose weight, and therefore lose butt.
3. Have a nutritious meal ready for right after training.
Do not wait too long to take in carbs (preferably fruits or juices) and sufficient amounts of protein after your workout. Catabolic state ensues when energy runs out. Hence, don't drain all your energy by working out for too long, and when you finish, replenish as soon as possible!
4. Try not to run out of energy at all: eat plenty of healthy fats and proteins
Eat a lot of good fats, such as avocado, olive oil, coconut. Why fats? Fats take longer to break down, and contain more energy per gram than proteins and carbs do. Taking healthy fats in fair amounts throughout the entire day, provides you with a steady source of energy that prevents you from entering any butt burning catabolic state. So while the fats take care of energy needs for daily activities, the intake of proteins will make sure that your muscle keeps growing.
5. If you're not an ectomorph
If you're not an ectomorph, but simply someone with a flat butt, you're probably a case of "lazy butt syndrome". What this basically means, is that your neuromuscular system functions in such a way that the glutes are recruited to a lesser extent than they should be during movements where glutes are involved. In this case, even if you squat, you will still not be recruiting enough of the glutes to produce a serious impulse for butt growth.
How can you fix this? (Even if you are an ectomorph, the tips below will still benefit your bum growth results, so by all means follow them.)
1. First of all, make sure you're only doing exercises that you KNOW to involve glute activity. Such as squats, deadlifts, lunges.
2. When you do these exercises, be absolutely sure to squeeze the glutes at the end of the contraction part of the movement. People without lazy glute syndrome don't have to focus on doing this consciously, they're doing it enough already. You on the other hand, have to make up for the fact that your bum isn't recruited automatically. Therefore: squeeze. The more you do this, the more you will learn to recruit your bum automatically during daily functions as well, improving growth even more.
3. Try to finish the entire movement. You need to go low enough, and you also need to complete the movement when standing back up (usually, this is where you squeeze).
4. After exercise, stretch the lower body, especially the glutes.
If you follow these tips, along with a decent workout program specifically tailored to your goals, you will be sure to pack on meat!
Also visit my website about bum implants and natural methods to get your butt growing quickly. Additional information on the subject can be found here.
Thank you for reading this article.

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mercredi 6 novembre 2013

Natural Hunger: The Health Connection

When I was only 124 pounds, I read something about fasting for greater strength. Now hold on here. Everyone from the doctor to the kid on the corner was recommending to gain weight by eating more and doing less.
But, here is the genius of it. By not eating for a day, my body got a change to clean out a bit, rest and get ready to digest food properly. Even with all of the benefits that I had read about, I did not dare mention this to anyone or they would really think I had gone "over the deep end." I tried fasting for a day and later for two days. After all, most of us had been so busy that we forget to eat (or sleep) so it was not such a big deal.
Strangely, the hunger pangs go away and you get a bit of a high from the low blood sugar. I really believe this is what some athletes, body builders and many dieting girls experience. They actually get to enjoy that weird dizzy feeling. Other reasons why skipping a few meals makes some people feel better:
  • The fasting body releases more growth hormone that burns fat, stimulates muscle growth and boosts the immune system. This is why I avoid eating before bedtime. Let the body recover. Gorging on pizza after a night of beer guzzling might be good for the morale sometimes. But it impedes the immune system. If you have to eat something, eat complex carbohydrates, like oatmeal or yams. Do not and I repeat, do not eat any sugar within 1.5 hours of bedtime. The sugar will impede your growth hormone and you will often wake up more tired than when you went to bed
  • When you are fasting, you are not eating allergic food. In this case, the fast is not helping as much as skipping the offending food. So, if you think that you are allergic to dairy or wheat products try just cutting them out for a day. You will be surprised at how strong the withdrawal symptoms can be. What you are allergic to, you will often crave. Once you are "clean," you will often reject the offending substance. I recall how I had to force myself to drink beer out of social acceptance. Once I was used to it, I actually craved it. When I just stopped for several months or switched to cider, I lost the taste for most beers. The same goes for milk and wheat bread. If I consume either, I get red eyes and gas.
  • I find that I am more alert when I skip a few meals. Kind of more primal. My sense of smell sharpens and I tend to be more assertive. This can work against you if you are studying as a growling stomach makes it difficult to concentrate.
The down side of fasting:
  • Difficulty with mental work. I know this from military training and going to university. The growling stomach is distracting and tend to make one more aggressive. This is great for the military. But not so good for one's social circles, business or studying. Some people report that they think more clearly when fasting. Personally, I find it distracting.
  • Fatigue. After teaching three cardio kick-boxing classes in a row, on an empty stomach, I used to get "the shakes." Especially, when I had to catch a bus in minus 30 degree Celsius weather. I remedied this by bringing even a small amount of food, like a kiwi or a container of cooked rice. That small amount of food was enough to keep me going strong.
Using fasting to your advantage:
  • I started making good muscle gains when I actually ATE LESS. That's right. LESS. I found that TWO good, sit down meals a day, beat out three or four hurried meals. When I gave my stomach a change to be empty, I noticed that I did not feel as groggy after a meal. It was like my body was being more efficient with the food.
  • When you fast, ensure that you rest. Let your body do its job and sort out the absorption and elimination of nutrients. The mainstream advice of underweight people stuffing themselves, only plugs up their digestive tract and slows down their weight gains. Eat good food and chew it slowly. You will absorb and feel better.
  • For the average or overweight person, the short fast will teach you that you can survive until you can eat good food and that you need to pay attention to your body's natural hunger and not just put something in your mouth for the sake of taste.
  • You also regain your natural hunger which makes your body more ready to assimilate the food that you eat.
  • Don't make a big deal about it. The more that you think or talk about not eating, the harder it gets. Just stay busy and don't sweat it.
Doug Setter, BSc. is a personal trainer and martial arts instructor. He has served as a U.N. Peacekeeper, completed 5 full marathons, climbed Mt. Rainier and held a welterweight kick-boxing title (at age 40). He is the author of Stomach Flattening, Reduce Your Alcohol Craving and One Less Victim: a Crime prevention guide. Visit his website: and

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vendredi 1 novembre 2013

Analyzing Calorie Intake In Your Diet To Start Building Muscle Or Losing Fat

A very important step in the processes of both building muscle and losing fat is analyzing your existing diet to see what nutrition changes that you have to make to confirm to the requirements of fat loss and muscle building. The truth is this, most people will need to make some sort of changes to their existing diet as part of their fat loss or muscle building program requirements. Even if you think that your diet is already healthy, it may still fall short of certain nutrition requirements for muscle gains and fat loss.
One of the most important diet component that have to be analysed and adjusted properly to gain or lose weight is your caloric intake. You must be consuming more calories that you are burning daily to gain muscle mass. The other end of the spectrum, burning more calories than you consume daily must be established in your diet to lose fat. So how do you adjust your calorie intake in the direction of your body weight goals for achieving success?
First you have to calculate to find how many calories your body needs to maintain itself daily. This will be the number of calories you'll consume without gaining or losing weight. So once you know this calorie maintenance level you'll be able to create a calorie deficit and a calorie surplus by including the right amount of calories in your diet. Therefore, unless you know how many calories that you are eating on a daily basis you will not be able to make the correct adjustments.
Your existing diet could be anywhere up, down or within your calorie requirement for gaining or losing weight. The only way to find out the actual amount is to learn the nutrition information about the foods you eat regularly, look at their calorie content and then you'll know how to adjust to fit your goals.
The equation is simple. If you want to build muscle which is a form of weight gain you have to make sure that your calorie intake is above your maintenance level. About 500-1000 calories above maintenance level is a good starting point for most people to build muscle. On the other hand, you must be consuming calories below your maintenance level to lose weight. 500 calories less is also a good starting point. However, it's up to you to analyse your existing diet properly and make the respective changes to your calorie intake based on your goals.
I recommend getting a notebook, computer, iPod or phone to start writing down everything you eat and drink daily. Then look up the nutrition information of these foods to find out where you are in respect to your calorie requirements for putting on or dropping weight.
Don't waste your efforts on doing the wrong things to get in shape. Get more information on building muscle and losing fat to improve body composition and get in shape.

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Why Muscle Building Is Important For Everyone

Upon hearing the phrase muscle building, most people would quickly visualize huge muscular bodybuilders in gyms lifting extremely heavy weights. For this reason lots of people believe that lifting weights is something to do only when you want to become big and muscular. However, this is a misperception that people understandably have due to lack of knowledge about muscle building and it's overall benefit on the human body.
Why You Won't Look Like A Bodybuilder Easy From Lifting Weights
Building muscle requires hard work and effort. It's not possible to build huge muscles simply by lifting weights you're able to perform only a few reps with. Significant muscle growth will occur only when you lift weights that feel very heavy progressively and you have a good diet to back it up. For example, if you're able to only do 10 reps of squats with a 20 lb weight it'll require you to train and progress until you're able to lift about 200 lbs or more to see huge muscle growth that'll make you look like a bodybuilder. Is this easy? I don't think so.
Everyone should partake in some form of weight training to stimulate muscle growth (muscular hypertrophy). There are numerous health benefits that both men and women can gain from building muscle such as added strength and power, increase in bone strength, added energy, boost to the immune system, boost to the body's metabolism and of course a more attractive appearance. The reason people need to work on building muscle is the body starts losing muscle when we reach the age of 25. In order to ensure that we don't end up with too much of a low percentage of muscle mass too soon and as a result face the negative effects off this, we should start weight training to build up some quality muscle. The earlier in life we start the better.
People who start building muscle before 25 will find that they're able to put on muscle rapidly once they're eating and training right. The reason for this is most people never gain the maximum amount of muscle mass that their body is suppose to have naturally. So weight training will help them build up that natural amount of muscle their body was missing.
Men are able to build a higher quantity of muscle than women because they have more testosterone than women. Remember, building muscle is all about training hard and eating properly. You won't look like a bodybuilder even if you put on a good amount of muscle. I'll take years of really heavy weight lifting and commitment to reach that stage.
Now that you know that muscle building is important for everyone, you can now focus on learning how to gain muscle mass. The process is simple, but it takes time and work. You must have a workout program to build muscle and good nutrition program to succeed.

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Meet the Biggest 3 Bodybuilding Mistakes and Their Solution

How long have you been working in the gym to get the body you dream of and it's not working out for you?
How much money did you spend on supplements?
How amazing would it be to have an evident and huge change on your body within less than a month?
How much would you give in exchange of knowing the biggest mistakes you're making which are preventing you from having the perfect body?
In the next lines I'm going to be revealing how to pack on and keep 21 pounds of pure muscle in 8 weeks, quickly, safely and permanently... And more important it's trusted information from one of the best nutritionist in the world.
So let's skip the long premises and get to the point:
Your first step to do is to avoid the mistakes you're making right now.
The biggest 3 bodybuilding mistakes that you're making:
Warning: what you're about to read might contradict everything that you've ever heard or learned about bodybuilding nutrition.
Mistake #1
The (I eat healthy) approach.
I know what you're thinking 'what? you're saying I shouldn't eat healthy food? )... Well that's not what I meant, I mean you're not a nutritionist, actually some people eat certain food thinking that it's good to their diet but the truth is the opposite of that.
So your solution is to find a good nutritionist and contact him personally (don't download E-book or any of these staff... actually that's our second mistake) and get a step by step program with him.
Mistake #2
Following meal plans from books magazines or online reports.
And that's for a really 3 simple reasons:
1- They are not truly customized for you (your body type, you work schedule and your weight training routine).
2- Because they use out dated science ( they ignore the 2 anabolic windows which are responsible for 84% of your muscle growth )
3- They are not exact ( in short: when you see a fixed number of calories to take, that means it's not fixed for you only, and there is a pretty big possibility that it won't work for you )
So to avoid all this, don't give these reports and books a glance and follow professional program made only for you.
Mistake #3
Bulk then cut.
It's scientifically proved that this approach gives the opposite result of its goal; it gives more fat and less muscle in the long run.
So forget about bulking first.
And now after you've learned your biggest three mistakes, I'll leave you with your solution and it's (a truly customized, unique, anabolic approach to nutrition).
This approach has to customize everything about you:
1- Your age
2- Your weight
3- Your height
4- Your metabolism
5- Your somatotype ( your body type )
6- Your weight training regime
And luckily I've found that program that anyone can customize to fit the things we've mentioned above, check the link below to know more about the program.
I hope I gave you some valuable information today, and till we meet in another article... take care, thanks for reading.

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Building Muscle Mass Definition While Losing Body Fat

One difficult to achieve goal for many body builders is how to most effectively reduce body fat while not losing muscle mass or definition. There are many conflicting ideas about the best way to accomplish this.
Some body builders accept that massive attention to diet is a necessary evil, and are willing to lose a bit of muscle if they can significantly reduce their body fat percentage. These individuals may focus on meeting certain dietary variables, i.e., the number of grams of carbohydrates, protein, and fat in specified quantities for each meal and pre and post workout snacks.
Others may be unwilling to focus on diet and calorie reduction in the fat loss phase of bodybuilding. Individuals that fall into this second camp of thinking, tend to believe that a certain lifting regimen will best help define their muscles and my even cut a bit of fat from their body composition.
These bodybuilders believe in doing many reps using lighter weights to increase the absolute number of reps their muscles can do before fatigue sets in. This lighter weight is lifted significantly more times than the heavier weight would be lifted in a traditional set.
The idea behind lifting lighter weights for significantly more repetitions during the fat loss phase of bodybuilding may stem from the belief that this type of exercise creates a greater amount of lactic acid in the muscle tissues. People believe that this increase in reps, and concomitant increase in lactic acid, will burn more fat than traditional reps and sets with heavier weights.
Some also believe that an increase in reps also increases the cardio portion of their workout to burn more fat and stretch the muscles though a greater range of motion thus providing greater definition. There is a small problem with this logic, however. The primary goal of weight lifting is to boost muscle strength and size before the weight loss or cutting period.
If some lifters only do lighter weight reps they may actually be harming their goal. This method of lifting may actually contribute to the very thing most bodybuilders were trying to avoid with a fat loss diet, and that is muscle loss. Although, the bodybuilder may be doing more reps, he is generally putting a much lighter load on the muscles than if he had been following a more traditional lifting style with heavier weights and fewer reps in a set.
Any muscle gains he may have made using the traditional lifting style, will be minimized if a prolonged period of training only includes this lighter greater rep style of lifting. This potential for muscle loss will become especially apparent during a calorie restriction weight loss phase.
If you don't gain muscle, and merely define with higher reps, and potentially loose muscle with higher reps, your percent muscle mass starting point when you begin cutting calories will be much lower. Instead of focusing on only one of these three plans, bodybuilders should be using a combination. They need to not only do days with many reps and lower weights to put their muscles through the full range of motion, but they also need to do more traditional lifting with heavier weights.
Also, it is important to follow a diet with goal of reducing fat. Finally, many body builders are afraid of doing aerobic work. Perhaps they fear they will lose too much muscle, or perhaps their time is limited and they feel they should focus only on lifting.
Perhaps they are even a bit lazy when it comes to the health of their heart. This is just plain silly! By adding a bit of aerobic exercise to your weight lifting and diet regimen, you will not only increase your heart's health, but also boost your metabolism.
A faster metabolism means that your body will be a better fat burning machine. All of these factors, a program with both low and high rep ranges, a healthy diet, and aerobic exercise will provide the greatest results for your physique.
More healthy tips: Being Healthy Tips

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Strategies For Body Building

Before beginning a training, have proteins. Regardless of whether you have a sandwich with about 4 oz. of lunch meats, a protein bar or perhaps a shake, it's essential to understand that protein combination is what is important for muscle building. Have your healthy proteins about around 30 minutes into an 60 minutes prior to starting a good work out for best success.
In order to properly acquire muscle tissue, it is very important use a strategy, as well as a desire to perform that strategy. There are many sources that you can employ to determine which energy-training workout routines your strategy will incorporate. You need to set a schedule that is simple to follow, and definitely will not overpower you. Talk about your plan along with a specialist fitness instructor to make certain it may fulfill your goals.
Ensure that you get an ample amount of sleep at night every night. Your own muscles need enough time to mend themselves once you strain them while in body weight training sessions. Should you not permit the muscle tissues to relax enough, it could reduce the effects that you simply see from the body weight weightlifting efforts significantly.
Make time to work out at the very least three times per week. As the muscles become a little more conditioned, you need to get to the gym more often than that, although should you be just starting out, you should restriction you to ultimately 3 x. As you may become more knowledgeable, you may boost your exercises to be more than once each day, several times weekly.
It is extremely essential that you stand properly when doing standing upright exercise routines, such as over head presses and squats. These workouts demand a form of fitness foot position. To achieve this, you must stand with the legs at around the width of your own shoulder area. Then, slightly point your toes outward, flex the knees, and arch your back. Make sure that the eyes are looking forwards.
When doing ab crunches to create belly muscle tissue it is important to keep the neck area secure. When you are performing ab crunches a terrific way to protect your throat is always to push your tongue up against your roof from the mouth region. This will help you to line up the head and reduce the amount of tension you put on your neck area.
Enjoying a proteins shake immediately after working out is extremely important. The healthy proteins shake gives you entire body the nutrients it needs to be capable to rebuild muscle tissue and aid your muscle mass to cultivate speedier and more robust. Health proteins drinks must have a ratio of 2: 1 of sugars to proteins for them to be as helpful as possible.
There's considerably more to creating muscles than just going to workout on a daily basis, as you can see. Reading this article, you really should comprehend how you can begin. You'll view the results you hoped for before very long if you are using the guidelines you merely check out.
If you are serious about building muscle, then its worth visiting my blog about deadlift workout. To Learn more about the deadlift and find out all about its benefits visit

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The Jump Rope Can Make You Amazingly Athletic

The jump rope is still not a piece of equipment many people think of as important. If I had a choice to either run for fitness or jump rope, jumping rope is my choice.
All the years I trained with weights skipping rope was never ever a thought in my world. If you jumped rope I would have thought you were doing nothing more than a school girl workout waiting for a quick beaten!
It's amazing how you can grow up training and miss such an important piece of equipment that would have helped me in all areas of my training, at least from an athletic stand point. Jumping rope has been used for centuries by the greatest athletes ever.
Rope skipping will build strength, explosiveness, quickness and burn plenty of fat in very short amount of time.But like anything else it takes a little practice to jump and this discourages people from trying and getting better.
I remember when I tried to cross the first time it took some time to get the first cross and after the first cross it became easier. I have shown a few people over the years how to skip rope and as athletic they were the jump rope gave them a challenge.
Skipping rope has made my legs feel younger, quicker and faster and no matter how good you get you can always be challenged by changing speed, going longer, you can run while you skip rope and you can use jumping rope when doing sprints, hill sprints and bodyweight exercises.
The greatest athletes in the world still use the rope as a major part of training. It's amazing that a piece of equipment that costs a few bucks can give you amazing results.
I skip rope almost every day as part of my training; I use it as my rest between rounds or sets. Or I use it as part of the workout, going fast and hard for time. People that spend time learning how to jump rope will benefit tremendously strengthen the body as well as building a leaner more muscular body.
One thing that jumping rope has done for me has shown me that simple exercises that I would have never thought would be of much benefit really changed the way my body has reacted to all types of sports that require explosiveness, agility, jumping and stamina.
There are many types of ropes you can buy; I stick mostly with a licorice speed rope or a beaded rope. I have weighted ropes and they are good on occasion to add a little variety.
I personally don't like weighted handle ropes and cotton rope is to light. I like my ropes fast; I want to be fast, so I want a fast rope. Most ropes are around 9' and they are a good length, I prefer a shorter rope, the shorter the rope the faster it turns.
Give it a try for a month or two starting out slow and a couple times a week. Working up to jumping three to five times a week.
A nice workout for the person advanced in jumping. Jump 100 times drop down and do 25 pushups as fast as possible for 10 rounds.
Try not stopping or rest as little as possible, for a total of 1,000 jumps and 250 pushups. Try and go for 1 minute to complete jumping rope 100 times and 25 pushups.
Johnny Grube B.C.S. is the holder of 13 bodyweight world records in physical fitness is an expert on the subject of Building Physical and Mental Toughness through bodyweight training. He has 30 years of training experience and is the author of "Ultimate Physical Fitness in 5 Minutes" at and is the author of other training manuals sold world wide to athletes and military.

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